Biodiv-Wind home2025-02-06T15:43:09+01:00

SafeWind® in stats

Ornithologists, engineers and IT Specialists
Equipped Wind Turbines
Birds & Bats Detected

The company

Biodiv-Wind SAS, is a company that develops, installs and operate artificial intelligence based wildlife detection system in industrial environments.

Since 2015, Biodiv-Wind SAS has equipped more than 500 wind turbines in western Europe, including France, Germany, Spain, Austria, Belgium and carried out wildlife studies in several other countries (Finland, Iceland…).

Biodiv-Wind SAS employes 47 staff which includes IT specialists, engineers and experienced ecologists.

Its know-how and ongoing developments in AI and detection systems for the reduction of flying fauna collision risk with onshore and offshore wind farms are recognized in France and internationally.

Our installations around the world


About us

Biodiv-Wind SAS has been collaborating with its clients on avian and chiropteran topics across the different phases of onshore and offshore wind projects since 2015.

Biodiv-Wind SAS mission of biodiversity protection and support to wind energy development is based on Artificial Intelligence.
Its reliable flying fauna detection systems can be adapted to the target species and the technical specifications of the wind turbines.
They are modular, efficient, simple to install, operate and maintain.


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